In the trailer for the new soap opera “Bathwood” forms and conventions of both of the genres of soap opera and film trailer have been used, developed and challenged.
The sequencing of the trailer follows conventions of a trailer, introducing characters before introducing teasers of storylines involved with the introduced characters; the trailer does this whilst not giving too much about the storyline away to the audience. This attracts the curiosity of the audience making them want to watch the soap opera.
Many camera angles and shot types within the trailer use the conventions of soap opera camera angles and shot types, for example using mid shots at eye level in a similar way as seen in soaps.
Some camera angles and shot types used in the trailer challenge the conventions of soap opera, while also following the conventions of a cinematic trailer. When introducing the main family, “the Malones” various camera angles and shot types, more closely associated with film trailers are seen. The opening shot is a low angle mid shot; it shows only the legs of the main family’s characters. This is followed by a mid shot at eye level from behind all of the characters, watching them walk away from the camera. These two shots were designed to keep the characters anonymous from the audience for as long as possible to increase tension and interest of the audience with regards who the characters are. This is a common technique used in trailers, the purpose of a trailer is to generate an interest from its audience for the media product its advertising in order to turn the interest into money.
The music used in the trailer was a composition belonging to a group member, the music was used as it conveyed a darker connotation that was necessary to introduce the Malone characters and the plot lines included in the soap.
Alibis remix by JaySanderson. Uploaded with BandPage by RootMusic
>The combination of the main trailer and the ancillary texts associated with it are quite effective in reflecting the theme of the storylines of the soap opera for the minds of its audience. The advertising poster for example establishes to the audience that the main family are known as the “Malones” they’re a family new to the soap and by the tilted picture frames it is established to the audience that this family isn’t perfect, that they have issues.
This connotation is reinforced on the front cover of the TV listings magazine, with the heading “Bad news for Bathwood” and the subheading “New family, new soap, old secrets”.
The TV listings magazine and the poster are effective but only offer the snap shot connotations that they do; they are further reinforced in the trailer as the issues are shown to the audience, for example, adultery and alcoholism.
As connotations are established and reinforced across both ancillary texts and the trailer, I would argue they are an effective combination.
I made a choice with the poster to establish to the audience clearly that the characters involved are a family. To do this I decided to go with the idea of having picture frames on the wall, I also decided to tile two of the pictures to show to the audience a connotation of the family as not being the perfect family.
In the trailer of Bathwood several social groups are represented, with the character Tommy Bagwell a representation of a working class man is created for the audience, this is created mainly through the mise en scene of the characters costume. Tommy Bagwell is seen wearing a white hooded top in the affair scene of the trailer, he is next seen in the attack scene holding Scott Malone against a wall in retaliation as Scott knows about Tommy’s affair with Michelle Bagwell, This violent behaviour is used to create a negative impression of the character in the minds of the soap operas audience, this effect was created as it’s known in soap operas that there are often villain characters, as a group we wanted Tommy to fulfil this villain character and also to be a rival of Barry Malone in such a way similar to that of the rivalry seen in coronation street between ken Barlow and mike Baldwin. Not a lot else is revealed about who Tommy Bagwell is however this follows the conventions of a trailer, it should build interest from the soap’s potential audience.
In one of Bathwood’s opening storyline the social group of alcoholics are represented. The character Frieda Malone is a struggling alcoholic, the character is shown to be at a difficult stage in her life in the trailer, it is made obvious to the audience due to the mise en scene of the whisky bottle and the silence of the diegetic sound in this scene that she is an alcoholic. While it can be argued that a stereotype was used here as the alcoholic character was unconscious in her scene, as a group it was decided that such an event was unavoidable and unlike many stereotypes this one was not intended to carry a negative value judgement but rather it was to show the audience the health risks involved of abusing alcohol. It was hoped that through this advertisement the soap could contribute to its audience as both an entertaining media platform and an educational tool, the hope was that it would educate its audience while also improving the self esteem of alcoholic viewers such that they would be able to pick themselves up and lift out of alcoholism.
The character Barry Malone is the father figure of the Malone family, he carries a resemblance in character to Phil Mitchell of eastenders, as a boss like “hard nut” character. The deck of cards seen in his hands and the menacing stare he employs are designed to show the audience that emphasis will be placed on the character Barry, the cards carry a connotation of greed and lust for power, while the stare he gives the camera in the trailer can give the connotation to the audience that this man can do whatever it takes to reach fulfil his greed.
I believe the BBC is the institution that would distribute the soap opera “Bathwood”, the BBC were behind the soap opera eastenders and it is my opinion that the two soap operas have similarities in plot lines and gritty natures, and so as the BBC distributed eastenders and it was successful then the BBC would be willing to distribute Bathwood.
After showing Bathwood Drive’s trailer to many people and asking for feedback, the reception gathered was mainly positive, some suggestions were made for improvements by members of the audience. The suggestions made by audience members were to do with minor mistakes that were overlooked in the preparation of the soap trailer, although these mistakes were minor they were easy so set right after they were pointed out to us. The positive feedback generated was mainly focused on the many different camera angles seen in the trailer; the audience appreciated the use of cinematic camera angles such as the shot that showed the side of Barry Malone’s face. After seeing the trailer many members of the audience also praised the trailers soundtrack, saying that the difference in music from traditional trailers made an interesting change, the combination of the audiences praise for the soap opera made this trailer in my opinion very successful.
To create the soap trailer, there were a variety of software packages available to the group. The programs used included, adobe Photoshop cs3, serif movie plus x3 and audacity.
Adobe Photoshop was used in the creation of titles included in the trailer. Serif movie plus x3 was used to piece all of the clips and images we had to create the trailer. Audacity was used to record and edit voiceovers.
Before moving to editing software using the cameras we were given we viewed several digital rushes to find individual clips that were useable and also various camera angles that could be linked for dramatic effect during the trailer.
Many effects were created using adobe Photoshop, including drop shadow and creation of the correct font we deemed necessary for the trailer.
One of the main editing tools used from the serif video editing program was the cross fade effect between scenes; this effect was used between many scenes to increase tension for the audience but also to make the trailer for the soap follow more conventions of film trailers in order to make it more exciting for the audience.
The creation of the voiceover demanded the use of audio editing technology not found within the serif video editing program, as a group we decided to use audacity, there were a few reasons for this, the program is free and it’s very reliable in producing professional sounding effects. I created the echo effect heard in the trailer not with an effect in the software but by copying the audio track and aligning them in such a way that one track was 0.1 seconds in front of the other, I then reduced the gain on the 2nd track by -6 decibels this created the desired effect of the echo that sounded like an internal character monologue, this is another feature more commonly see in film trailers however the desired effect was to excite the audience and I believe it was successful in attaining this effect.
Once all of the editing was complete the finished trailer was exported and burned to a DVD under the software programs highest quality setting, this allows the video to look as good as it possibly can be.
Since AS I feel my abilities to create and edit media products has increased immensely. I think the ability difference shows in the amount of editing I have personally included in the A2 product when compared to the AS project film. For example the AS film had at most 2 camera angles for the film’s main scene, this did not make for pleasant viewing of its audience. The sheer number of camera angles and shot types shown in the A2 project shows my own personal development.
Another aspect that I believe shows my improved abilities is professional audio editing. In my AS project any audio editing that was included was accomplished simply using the tools and effects preloaded into the software, essentially what I have done in the audio editing for the A2 project is create my own echo effect using complicated track alignment and gain/volume editing accordingly to get the correct effect that I felt was right for the scene.
A final aspect that I believe shows my improved abilities in media is the ability to edit video professionally. This I believe has improved tenfold, it has moved from something I dreaded doing to something that I truly enjoy, for me editing the final product and making sure it’s as good as it can be was by far my favourite part of the project, I enjoyed piecing the scenes together such that they flowed and appeared to be filmed at the same time from separate recorded scenes. The comparison of sequencing from the AS project to the now A2 project, though they are different concepts I think by viewing both trailers it is obvious how I have improved in the mentioned areas.
Here at the end of the project is the finished trailer: