Through audience feedback of the trailer for the soap opera Bathwood it was revealed that while it was obvious to the audience the main characters were related in terms of plotlines, it wasn’t obvious to them that they were a family. In my poster I tried to emphasise to the audience that family life, a key convention in soap opera genre is an important aspect of the Bathwood soap. One of the ways I’ve tried to do this is with the use of picture frames over a wallpaper background. The choice of the style of wallpaper seen in the poster shows a connotation of a peaceful family home, and to the audience may show the family as slightly old fashioned. I’ve purposely tilted two of the picture frames to create a connotation to the audience that while they are a family the characters lives are by no means perfect, this connotation is further enforced with the photos within the frames included on the poster. The characters in the frames are shown as possibly malicious to the audience as they aren’t smiling and the poses assumed by the characters.
The second ancillary text I had to produce was a television magazine cover. Initially I thought that this task was going to be very difficult as we as students were not allowed to use imagery from any source other than ourselves, as a class it was decided what we would do was use pictures from other groups and promote their soaps and/or other television shows on our magazine covers.
The masthead is a box standard masthead very typical of TV listings magazine covers; the square design was inspired by other TV listings magazines I had seen in order to prepare to create my own.
One convention I stuck to maintaining throughout this text is the convention of using light pastel colours for the colours of the TV mag for example the blue background and the yellow background in my poster.
On some pictures on the cover I have simply given them the headings of the storyline and not listed the soap operas or dramas that the storylines are from, this was done deliberately and is a convention see across many TV listings magazine covers. I have done this because people who normally watch certain soap operas know when a storyline is from soap they watch simply from seeing a picture of a well known character or reading the small title for that particular picture, it may also draw in audience members who find the advertisement interesting without knowing it is a soap opera.
One of the pictures advertises a competition show known as "the Y factor", I created it as a response to a popular professional talent competition from Britain "the X factor", I did this so as not to cause any copyright infringement and also to show that normally TV listings magazines don’t just show soaps but other televised events as well.
The central image is off Barry Malone and Tommy Bagwell, as rivals I thought it would be fitting to establish their rivalry in a way the public would easily be able to see, the connotation of Tommy Bagwell standing behind Barry Malone and looking down can tell the audience that Tommy is hiding something from Barry and is nervous about telling Barry about it.
I tried to emphasise this concept of lying by adding a subheading of "New soap, New family old secrets" This title not only establishes that Bathwood is a soap not a drama but also that the Malone family is moving into the area and that they have old secrets relating to wherever they came from.
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